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ATLAS Physical Therapy Blog


Arthritis and Physical Therapy “But I have arthritis, how can physical therapy help me?” This is a common question that we receive in the clinic. PT can actually help, even though we have no ability to change the structure of your cartilage or arthritis itself. There is overwhelming evidence showing that improving strength, flexibility, and balance will decrease limitations in everyday from arthritis1. Not only can physical therapy help decrease pain and improve function but these...
Posted on 2015-02-02

The Rotator Cuff

The Rotator Cuff
The rotator cuff and its function In the outpatient physical therapy world we see patients with shoulder pain on a daily basis. Regardless of the actual diagnosis the rotator cuff almost always has an important role in the rehabilitation process. So what is the rotator cuff and why is it so important? The rotator cuff is actually a group of four muscles in the shoulder; supraspinatus, infraspinatus, tere minor and the subscapularis.  These muscles attach from your shoulder blade and in...
Posted on 2014-12-11