Fitness & Balance Programs in Evergreen and Idaho Springs, CO
Base Camp is a series of fitness and injury-prevention programs designed with the latest research on age-appropriate and sport-specific balance, conditioning and strength-training in mind. Participants will experience a wide variety of group exercises for sports and lifelong healthy movement habits. Explore your potential and take the next step in building your fitness level and minimizing injury risk!
Base Camp Sport is a fitness program for middle-school athletes. This program is designed to help develop strength, flexibility and healthy movement patterns to enhance lifelong fitness habits and prevent future injury.
- Summer Series: Three-week (2x/week - 6 training sessions ) intensive series in outdoor setting
- Small Group: 6 training sessions for (3-4 athletes) same sport athletes in the clinic setting
- Coach's Consult: 1-2 session on-the-field instructional sessions for pre-practice injury prevention.
Base Camp Run is designed to develop power, strength, stability and proper running technique. We include the latest research on running injury prevention strategies, form running progression, running-specific flexibility and stability, core work and barefoot balance exercises.
Explore your running potential!
• Balance work and barefoot exercises for foot and ankle stabilization stretching
• Dynamic stretching program – foam rolling, contract-relax, partner
• Running specific hip and core stability exercises
• Interval and sprint training for power and turn-over
• Dynamic warm up with form running for healthy movement patterns
Base Camp Move is a balance program that combines traditional exercise with Tai Chi and works to educate the individual on fall prevention. This program uses a combination of stretching and strengthening to improve balance.
- Class sizes are limited to 4-5 individuals per session.
- Pre and post data collection to document balance deficits and individual progress.
- Home exercise program to complete between sessions.
- Access to video links to help reinforce exercises and Tai Chi movement patterns.
Fee: Medicare will often cover these classes. Please call the office to have us check your Medicare or insurance benefit. Participants will need a current Physician referral in order to bill Medicare for the Base Camp Move program. The cost of the program for cash-pay participants is $275 for 10 one-hour sessions.
Base Camp Ski is designed to develop power, strength, agility, balance and a higher level of fitness. The workout sessions combine strength and conditioning for downhill, telemark and snowboard athletes with a focus on injury prevention and preparation for the slopes.
The Base Camp Swim dryland training program for swimmers addresses areas of muscle imbalance and establishes new movement patterns under a greater load than in the pool. Athletes will tap into new sources of power and speed on land, which leads to greater performance in the water.
Learn more about Base Camp Swim here.
Research Nights
Our staff has been part of an ongoing formal research study conducted in collaboration with Regis University to investigate the connection between running biomechanics and overuse injuries for high school runners. Research Night is an expression of our commitment to supporting the evolving best practice standards for the physical therapy profession.
Not sure which bundle is best for you?
We can help you decide which bundle is a best fit! Please send us an email with your contact information and a brief description of your training needs.