ATLAS Physical Therapy Blog
Postpartum Recovery – Returning to You

Pregnancy, childbirth, and meeting your newborn little one is a beautiful experience. From first smiles, to first laughter, first words, and all the small milestones in between, having a baby can be a joyful journey filled with ups and downs.
Whether it's your first, second or fifth child, expecting the unexpected is key. However, when the unexpected refers to your own health, it's not something you'd hope to be caught off guard by.
While caring for and loving your baby, where does your recove...
Posted on 2023-11-06
Power & Strength Training for Distance Runners

Training for physical fitness or sports performance involves interplay between frequency, intensity, time, and type of exercise (Pescatello, 2014). All of these variables are determined by the demands of the sport; primarily what type of energy system is used and what are the main muscles involved in the activity. Coaches need to design exercise programs with the right volume and intensity to elicit the physiological changes required to excel in a given competition. Of these variables frequency ...
Posted on 2022-09-19
What is a Frozen Shoulder?

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition in the shoulder characterized by periods of “freezing” during which there is a progressive loss of range of motion accompanied by an increase in pain with mobility. Most commonly the most difficult movement is abduction (lifting the arm out to the side) and internal/external rotation (reaching behind the back/reaching behind the head) This is followed by a “frozen” stage in which pain decreased but the sho...
Posted on 2022-07-19
Pulled Muscle in Back

Do You Have a Pulled Muscle in Your Back?.
Most people have a sore back at some point. As we age, it becomes more likely – but it starts to increase in likelihood at age 30! Then again, children and athletes can pull a back muscle, so nobody is immune. A pulled muscle in your back may cause you pain for a few weeks, but it sometimes drags on for months or even years if left untreated.
Did you twist quickly to catch the ball or during your last rock-climbing expedition? Or you fell duri...
Posted on 2022-06-06
Foam Rolling

Here is a list of some of the muscles that you can foam roll if you are experiencing tightness/soreness:
IT band
Hip adductors
When foam rolling, roll over the targeted muscle until you find spots that are sore or tender. Then spend 1-2 minutes on these spots gently rolling back and forth until the tenderness reduces. Doing this in the morning is an ideal time because muscles get stiff from being in one or two positions during sleep. Incorporating it int...
Posted on 2021-11-03
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